Why I'm Betting Big on Bitcoin Hitting $100,000 by 2025

Will Bitcoin finally break through the $100,000 mark by 2025? One expert thinks so, and explains why the combined effects of the recent halving and the approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs make it a near-certainty.
Why I'm Betting Big on Bitcoin Hitting $100,000 by 2025

Why I’m Betting Big on Bitcoin Hitting $100,000 by 2025

As a seasoned investor, I’ve always had a keen eye on the crypto market. And right now, I’m more convinced than ever that Bitcoin is on the cusp of a major breakthrough. In this article, I’ll explain why I think Bitcoin will hit the coveted $100,000 mark by 2025.

The Halving Effect

Bitcoin’s price is strongly influenced by the halvings, with the most recent one occurring in April 2024. This event has historically triggered significant price surges, and I believe this latest halving will be no exception. The reduced supply of new Bitcoins entering the market will inevitably drive up demand, sending prices soaring.

Bitcoin’s price has historically surged after halvings

The Approval of Spot Bitcoin ETFs

Another key factor driving Bitcoin’s price upwards is the impending approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs. This will make it more accessible to new buyers, opening up the cryptocurrency to a whole new audience. With the combined effects of the recent halving and the approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs, I believe the stars are aligning for Bitcoin to finally break through the six-figure mark.

The reality investors need to know is that Bitcoin is closer than you think to reaching $100,000.

The Perfect Storm

As we look to the future, it’s clear that 2024 is shaping up to be the year that Bitcoin hits the coveted six-figure mark. The added effect of the spot Bitcoin ETFs, plus the effects of the halving still materializing, means that Bitcoin is poised for a major breakout. And I’m not alone in my optimism - many experts are predicting a similar outcome.

The approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs will open up Bitcoin to new buyers

So, what does this mean for investors? In my opinion, it’s a clear signal to get in on the action now, before the price surges out of reach. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, now is the time to take a closer look at Bitcoin and its enormous potential.

In conclusion, I’m convinced that Bitcoin will hit $100,000 by 2025. The combined effects of the recent halving and the approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs make it a near-certainty, in my opinion. So, what are you waiting for? Get in on the action today and reap the rewards of this crypto powerhouse.