The Unstoppable Rise of Bitcoin: Can it Really Reach $13 Million by 2045?

Can Bitcoin really reach $13 million by 2045? We take a closer look at Michael Saylor's bold prediction and the underlying factors that could drive Bitcoin's price to unprecedented heights.
The Unstoppable Rise of Bitcoin: Can it Really Reach $13 Million by 2045?
Photo by Behnam Norouzi on Unsplash

The Unstoppable Rise of Bitcoin: Can it Really Reach $13 Million by 2045?

As I sat in the audience at the 2024 Bitcoin conference, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and skepticism as Michael Saylor took the stage. The MicroStrategy founder and well-known Bitcoin whale made a bold prediction: Bitcoin’s price will reach $13 million per coin by 2045. That’s a staggering 20,000% increase from its current value.

But is this prediction realistic? Or is it just a pipe dream? As I delved deeper into the world of cryptocurrency, I began to understand the underlying factors that could drive Bitcoin’s price to unprecedented heights.

The Gold Standard

One way to understand Bitcoin’s potential value is to compare it to gold. Like Bitcoin, gold is a store of value that is not controlled by any government or institution. It’s valued worldwide, and its price is driven by the free market.

If we take the total amount of gold in the world, estimated to be around 208,874 metric tonnes, and multiply it by its current spot price of $2,471 per ounce, we get a total value of around $16.5 trillion. Now, let’s assume that the global gold supply grows at an annual rate of 3% over the next 20 years. This would put the total value of gold at around $170.5 trillion by 2045.

But here’s the thing: Bitcoin’s market cap is currently around $1.2 trillion. If we were to increase its price by 20,000% to reach Saylor’s predicted value, its market cap would balloon to over $241 trillion. That’s a staggering amount, and it’s hard to imagine Bitcoin displacing gold as the underlying asset of the global economy.

The Anti-Inflation Asset

Despite the daunting task of reaching Saylor’s predicted value, Bitcoin has already proven itself to be a formidable anti-inflation asset. Its continually rising value signals that society has a real demand for Bitcoin in the face of weakening fiat currencies.

While Bitcoin is still a long way from having true utility in everyday life, more merchants are accepting it as payment every year. Corporations and governments are also starting to accumulate it as a hedge against cash. If this trend continues, there’s no reason why Bitcoin’s price can’t keep rising.

A Digital Asset with a Fixed Supply

One of the key factors driving Bitcoin’s price is its fixed supply. Unlike fiat currencies, which can be printed at will, Bitcoin’s supply is capped at 21 million. This scarcity, combined with increasing demand, could drive its price to unprecedented heights.

Is Bitcoin a Buy Today?

So, should you invest in Bitcoin today? While its price has proven to be volatile, investors should avoid jumping in with both feet at once. Instead, consider buying Bitcoin on a schedule, making regular purchases to slowly build an investment at an average price over the long term.

This approach, known as dollar-cost averaging, can help you smooth out the ups and downs of the market and avoid making emotional decisions based on short-term price fluctuations.


While Michael Saylor’s prediction of $13 million per Bitcoin by 2045 may seem like a pipe dream, it’s clear that Bitcoin has the potential to be a game-changer in the world of finance. With its fixed supply, increasing demand, and anti-inflation properties, it’s no wonder that investors are taking notice.

So, should you invest in Bitcoin today? The answer is yes, but do it wisely. Take a long-term approach, and avoid making emotional decisions based on short-term price fluctuations. With patience and discipline, you could be rewarded with returns that exceed your wildest dreams.

Bitcoin’s price has been on a wild ride in recent years, but its long-term trend is clear: up.

Michael Saylor, founder of MicroStrategy and well-known Bitcoin whale, has made a bold prediction: Bitcoin’s price will reach $13 million per coin by 2045.

Bitcoin mining is the process by which new Bitcoins are created and added to the blockchain. It’s a complex and energy-intensive process, but it’s what makes Bitcoin secure and trustworthy.