The Uninvited Guest: Unusual Activity on Your Computer Network

What does it mean when a website detects unusual activity from your computer network? Learn how to resolve the issue and prevent it from happening again.
The Uninvited Guest: Unusual Activity on Your Computer Network

The Uninvited Guest: Unusual Activity on Your Computer Network

Have you ever encountered a situation where you’re browsing the internet, and suddenly, you’re faced with a message that says, ‘We’ve detected unusual activity from your computer network’? This can be a frustrating experience, especially if you’re in the middle of something important. But what does this message really mean, and how can you resolve the issue?

Unusual activity detected

The message is usually accompanied by a request to click a box to confirm that you’re not a robot. But why does this happen, and what can you do to prevent it from happening again?

Understanding the Issue

When you see this message, it’s usually because the website you’re trying to access has detected some unusual activity from your computer network. This could be due to a variety of reasons, including malware or viruses on your computer, or even a misconfigured browser. The website is simply taking precautions to ensure that you’re a legitimate user and not a robot trying to access their site.

Malware can cause unusual activity

Resolving the Issue

To resolve the issue, you’ll need to click the box to confirm that you’re not a robot. This is usually a simple process that involves checking a box or completing a CAPTCHA challenge. Once you’ve done this, you should be able to access the website as usual.

Complete the CAPTCHA challenge

Preventing Future Issues

To prevent this issue from happening again, it’s essential to ensure that your browser supports JavaScript and cookies, and that you’re not blocking them from loading. You should also review the website’s Terms of Service and Cookie Policy to understand how they handle user data.

Enable JavaScript in your browser


In conclusion, the ‘unusual activity’ message is a precautionary measure taken by websites to ensure that users are legitimate. By understanding the reasons behind this message and taking steps to resolve the issue, you can ensure a smoother browsing experience.

Enjoy a smoother browsing experience