The Hidden World of Personal Data: What You Need to Know

A look at how personal data is collected and used by websites and apps, and what we can do to protect ourselves.
The Hidden World of Personal Data: What You Need to Know
Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

As I sit here, sipping my coffee and browsing through my favorite websites, I am reminded of the vast amount of personal data that is being collected about me. Every click, every search, every like and every share is being tracked and stored by the websites I visit. It’s a scary thought, but one that I have become all too familiar with.

The websites that we use every day, from Yahoo to AOL, use cookies to provide us with a seamless user experience. But what exactly are cookies, and what do they do?

What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored on our devices by the websites we visit. They can be used to authenticate users, apply security measures, and prevent spam and abuse. They can also be used to measure our use of websites and apps, and to provide personalized advertising and content.

How are cookies used?

When we use a website or app, cookies are used to provide us with a personalized experience. They can be used to remember our login details, our preferences, and our search history. They can also be used to deliver personalized advertising and content, based on our interests and browsing habits.

What about my personal data?

As a user, it’s natural to wonder what happens to our personal data when we use websites and apps. The truth is, our personal data is being collected and stored by the websites we visit. This data can include our IP address, our browsing and search history, and our location. It can also include more sensitive information, such as our login details and our payment information.

What can I do to protect my personal data?

While it’s impossible to completely eliminate the collection of our personal data, there are steps we can take to protect ourselves. We can start by being mindful of the websites we visit, and the data that we share. We can also use tools, such as ad blockers and VPNs, to limit the amount of data that is collected about us.

The cookies used by Yahoo and its partners.

But what about the companies that collect our personal data? What are their responsibilities, and how can we trust them to handle our data with care?

The importance of transparency and accountability

Companies like Yahoo have a responsibility to be transparent about how they collect and use our personal data. They must also be accountable for how they handle our data, and ensure that it is protected from unauthorized access.

In the past, companies have been criticized for their lack of transparency and accountability when it comes to personal data. But it’s heartening to see that some companies are taking steps to change this.

A step in the right direction

Recently, Yahoo announced that it would be giving users more control over their personal data. Users will now be able to customize their cookie settings, and opt-out of personalized advertising and content. This is a step in the right direction, and one that other companies should follow.


As I finish writing this article, I am reminded of the importance of being mindful of our personal data. We must be aware of how our data is being collected and used, and take steps to protect ourselves. Companies must also be transparent and accountable when it comes to our personal data, and ensure that it is handled with care.

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