The Fading Allure of Cryptocurrency: Who's Still Using It?

Cryptocurrency use has declined significantly in recent years. Find out why, and who's still using it.
The Fading Allure of Cryptocurrency: Who's Still Using It?
Photo by Dylan Calluy on Unsplash

Cryptocurrency: A Diminishing Trend

Cryptocurrency use has been on the decline. According to recent data from the Federal Reserve, only 7% of US adults used cryptocurrency in 2023, which is a significant drop from 12% in 2021. What’s behind this downward trend, and who’s still using cryptocurrency?

A dwindling interest in cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency: A Digital Asset

Cryptocurrency is a type of digital asset used for electronic transactions. Its decentralized nature and lack of government backing make it unique. Transactions are publicly logged on a blockchain, making information about cryptocurrency trading available to all currency holders.

The Bitcoin blockchain is a decentralized and tamper-resistant ledger

How Does Cryptocurrency Get Its Value?

The value of cryptocurrencies is influenced by various factors, including supply and demand. The mining process, which involves solving complex computational problems, is another key aspect of cryptocurrency valuation.

Cryptocurrency mining is a complex process that rewards miners with new coins

Types of Cryptocurrencies

There are numerous types of cryptocurrencies, each with its own popularity. Some examples include Bitcoin, Dash, Ethereum, Iota, Litecoin, Monero, Neo, Petro, and Ripple.

A diverse range of cryptocurrencies are available

Why Do People Use Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is primarily used as an investment tool, with 7% of US adults using it for this purpose in 2023. Other reasons for using cryptocurrency include its speed, privacy, lower transaction costs, safety, and lack of trust in traditional banks.

Investing in cryptocurrency is a popular use case

Who Uses Cryptocurrency?

The demographics of cryptocurrency users are fascinating. Men are nearly three times more likely to use cryptocurrency than women. There are also variations in usage based on income level, with high-income and low-income individuals using cryptocurrency more frequently than those in the middle-income brackets.

Cryptocurrency usage varies by gender, income, and ethnicity

Is Cryptocurrency Use Increasing?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. According to the Federal Reserve, the percentage of US adults using cryptocurrency has decreased from 12% in 2021 to 7% in 2023. This decline is observed in both investment and transactional uses of cryptocurrency.

A downward trend in cryptocurrency adoption

What’s next for cryptocurrency? Will this decline continue, or will we see a resurgence in adoption? Only time will tell.