Bitcoin's Dark Underbelly: The Rise of Violent Crypto Heists

The dark underbelly of the crypto world: violent heists, liquidity crises, and market volatility. Can Bitcoin traders defy the slump and bet on a year-end rally?
Bitcoin's Dark Underbelly: The Rise of Violent Crypto Heists
Photo by Paul Pastourmatzis on Unsplash

Bitcoin’s Dark Underbelly: The Rise of Violent Crypto Heists

The world of cryptocurrency is often associated with innovation, freedom, and anonymity. However, a darker side of the industry has been emerging, with a growing trend of violent crypto heists. These crimes involve the use of force, intimidation, and even kidnapping to steal cryptocurrencies from unsuspecting victims.

The Conviction of Remy St Felix

A recent case in Florida highlights the severity of this issue. Remy St Felix, a 24-year-old from West Palm Beach, was convicted of overseeing a gang that broke into homes, violently kidnapped citizens, and stole their crypto. The gang’s modus operandi involved hacking into email accounts, conducting physical surveillance, and using encrypted messaging platforms to hide their tracks. Once they had gained access to their victims’ accounts, they would force them to transfer their cryptocurrencies, often using violent means to achieve their goals.

The scope of the problem is alarming, with hundreds of millions of dollars in crypto stolen through these violent means. According to Chainalysis, while most crypto thefts occur remotely through hacking, the physical theft of cryptocurrencies is a growing concern.

The German Connection

In another development, the German government has been moving millions of dollars in Bitcoin to crypto exchanges, sparking concerns about the potential impact on the market. This move is part of a divestment of BTC seized from a privacy website, and it has added to bearish pressures in the market.

The Crypto Market’s Liquidity Crisis

The crypto market has been experiencing a liquidity crisis, with alternative cryptocurrencies experiencing a bigger liquidity drain than Bitcoin and Ether. This has led to a decline in notional open interest tied to altcoins, making it difficult for traders to exit their positions.

The Cardano blockchain has demonstrated its resilience by successfully repelling a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack aimed at stealing staked tokens. The attack was thwarted without any disruptions to the network’s operations.

Betting on a Bitcoin Rally

Despite the current bearish sentiment, some traders are betting on a Bitcoin rally. Calls that pay out if Bitcoin trades above $100,000 are the most popular bet for the December 27 options expiry, implying strong bullishness for the long run.

Bitcoin’s price chart shows a decline in recent weeks

The Crypto Fear and Greed Index has dropped to 30, its lowest reading all year, indicating that traders are more worried about the market. However, with the conviction of Remy St Felix and the German government’s move to sell its Bitcoin holdings, the crypto market may be in for a wild ride.

Doraemon’s price crash is a cautionary tale for traders

In conclusion, the world of cryptocurrency is not without its risks. The rise of violent crypto heists and the liquidity crisis in the altcoin market are just a few examples of the challenges facing the industry. As traders, it’s essential to stay informed and adapt to the changing landscape.

Bitcoin traders are betting on a rally